Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Crazy Little Thing called love

Heyy i wanna post bout Crazy Little Thing called love .this is my favs movie ever <3
Check it out :D

Do wnload soundtrack Crazy Little thing called love , >> here's Da link >>     

Enjoy that music <3

Khun Nam Ka was 14 years old girl. She lived with her mother, Eh Pim and her younger sister, Eh Pang. Her father worked in America. Nam was very different with her mother and her younger sister, they have bright skin while Nam has dark skin and she wear glasses.
Nam fell in love with one of her senior, P’Shone. Form this, the great event begins…..Nam helped with her best friend, Cheer, Nim, and Gie trying to make P’Shone attracted with her.
In M.1 Grade
          In the way back to the home, Nam and her best friends (Cheer, Gie, and Nim) stopped in the shop. Nam was sitting near the window. Not long after, the boy with motorcycle appears. Nam was very happy when she saw the boy. Nam fell in love with the boy, who was also her senior. Cheer, Gie and Nim tease Nam and they tried to make the boy saw Nam. From the shop, Nam immediately pick up a tourist named James Bean, actually Nam’s mother has inexpensive lodging and restaurant for backpacker. In the home, Nam helped Mom cook meal for the tourist in the kitchen. Then, Mom angry because Nam and Pang dispute. So, Mom commands Nam to go somewhere. In the street, Nam walked with eat ice cream, suddenly someone fall down and standing in front of Nam and Nam surprised but the boy just talks “Mango? You may?” but Nam doesn’t speak something then the boy go away. Nam was disappointed when the boy gave mango to other girl.
Next day, Nam was talking with her best friend. The class begins Miss In come to Nam’s class. Miss In taught English. Nam very happy, her score on English subject was very good. But her friend look disappointed because they get bad score. But although Nam got good score on English she got bad score on all subject. When Miss In was teaching, Nam and her best friend talked about the boy with motorcycle that stopped in front of the shop. Then Miss In knew, she walked near Nam’s friend.  Miss In gave reprimand for them. Then Nam ask permission to go to toilet but Nam go to class of the boy with motorcycle who the name is P’Shone. In the class P’Shone got punishment because he cruel with his friend. When Nam was crossing in front of P’Shone, P’Shone did a strange thing. Then Nam laughed and ran to her class. In the Nam’s home, Uncle Chang came. Nam, her mother, and her young sister was very happy. Uncle Chang came because he carried a message to Nam’s family about her father who work in America. Uncle Chang talk,”If one of Nam or Pang can get first rank her father will send ticket to go America. While uncle Chang finished talk about the message, Nam talk, “I will can to get first rank” then Pang talk “ number 1 from 30” .
Next day she is in the school and she ordered Pepsi. But while she ordered, basket player came and took her order. Nam angry, then P’shone came and ordered the Pepsi and gave his order to Nam. Nam was very happy. After school, P’shone and basketball player quarrel in football yard. Nam knew that and back to school, but while Nam came the quarrel was finished, and Nam just find button that Nam think is P’Shone’s button and Nam saved it .
Next day was ceremony in the yard but Nam just looking for P’Shone. After finished P’Shone called by Miss In to go to office and got punishment because he quarrel with his friend. After P’Shone from office, Nam gave something to P’Shone. Then P’Shone called Nam and Nam became very happy. Next day Nam and her best friend went to shop. Then they talked about something. At night in the Nam’s home, Cheer, Gie and Nim practiced the first method of “9 Recipe of Love” book. The first method sound:
“Alone, go to the place, where there are many star, then draw a line from one star to another star to make guy’s name who you love.”
One day in school in the canteen, her best friend still talked about the book again. Then her friend read the second method in the book. The second method sound:
“Focus your mind and gaze people who you like. Try to control his mind, then ask him o do something. If successful, then he is your soul mate”
Then Nam tried to did it , but  her friend didn’t  know it. And it was success.
After school, Nam practiced the third method of the book. The third method sound:
“Give something that have heart symbol to your idol”
Nam gave P’Shone chocolate in his motorcycle. But in his motorcycle, there are many present from his fans, then Nam and her friend took all present and put chocolate from Nam in P’Shone motorcycle. In other time Miss In got egg from Mr Phol. Then Miss In show off the egg. When she arrived in office, Miss in surprised because all of friend got egg from Mr. Phol too. In next time, Nam look that P’Shone get mango cake from a girl who the name is Faye .

In M.2 Grade
In Nam’s home, Pang found paper that contains Nam and Shone;s picture. Pang told it to Mom. Mom was angry, and Mom gave advise to Nam to focus on the school before. Nam was sad. Then, Nam went onto the roof. On the roof , Nam just daydreaming and listening to music. Suddenly, Cheer, Gie, and Nim came and entertain Nam. They practiced the seventh methods of the book. It’s sound:
“Love means having to build yourself. Use the power of love so that we become smarter, more beautiful and better than before. So eventually he will attracted to us”
Cheer, Gie and Nim tried to dress up Nam with the strange way.And after finished Nam went to P’shone’s home. P’shone’s family have sport shop, so they get an idea. But when they arrived in the shop Nam didn’t find P’Shone. But nong long after P’Shone came .
Next day in Nam’s school arrange a stage. And Nam want to join in dancing group but she can’t because the teacher just join a girl who beautiful, bright skin. Nam was very angry because Faye can join dancing group. Then she joins Drama Miss In and at the Drama Nam become Snow White. In the drama’s room P’shone in there too. Nam was very happy.
Next day, P’Pin came to drama’s room . She will make up all student in the drama. Nam got first to make up. She is very beatiful but P’Shone just talk “this is same “
When the last exercise be held, the prince (main character in the drama) can’t come, so P’Shone be a prince and Nam became happy. But, when the prince came, Nam was surprised. So, she move away from the bed and she almost fall down. P’Shone held Nam’s hand. 
Stage started, Nam came forward but she look anything.
Next day in School’s there are a new student and he is a best friend of P’Shone and he is love with Nam. At canteen P’Shone knowing he to all his friend. And he is name is P’Top.
In M.3 Grade
Since P’Top at Nam’s school, he is become popular to all students. In the yard, two majorette want to take photo with P’Top but at last two majorette quarrel at other and the other got accident so they can join in carnival 2 weeks again, so Miss In confused. When Miss in was talking with headmaster, Miss In look Nam threw up her racket to take shuttlecock. Then Miss In change two majorette who quarrel with Nam. In the yard Miss In taught Nam but it was failed .  At a long day Nam always learn but failed and failed. Then at next day a headmaster knowing Nam failed, so he disagrees with Nam. When Nam learn there P’shone playing football and he want to kick the ball (pinalti) but Nam and all friend know but P’shone can’t did it. At last P’Shone was success, and Nam knew it too. Then Nam learn to become good majorette everyday and at last she can do it Miss In know it too then Nam become majorette. In carnival she look so beautiful.
Valentine day come Nam got many present, but she didn’t happy  At class, Nam got surprised that P’Shone came and took a rose. Then Nam go out but Nam disappointed because P’Shone said “It’s from my friend”
Today is Cheer’s birthday, but Nam can’t join. She going with P’Shone and his friend . When Nam in there Nam try to near with P’Shone but it fail, it because P’Top always near Nam . When she went to Cheer’s home, cheer didn’t at home. Next day Cheer very angry with Nam.
After a long day Cheer, Gie, and Nim try to give Nam sorry . then they can  become a best friend again. Next day, last examine come, Nam do it very carefully , because she want to meet her father .
Next day after last examine, Nam try to speak with P’shone about her heart . but it was  sadly. P’Shone and P’Pin became special friend. Nam was very sad knew it. P’Shone went home and he was surprised because there are two man that want P’Shone join in football team . Two man names are Uncle Nguang and Uncle Neng. He was very happy and he immediately opened the cool case, he saw Nam’s chocolate. He walked to her bedroom, he opened a book that P’Shone. Actually P’Shone loved Nam too, but he afraid spoke it. Then he put the book in the Nam’s door.

Nine Years Later
Nam become a designer and he come to a show that she can meet P’Shone but she didn’t knew it before . at last Nam ask Shone something and Nam very happy because she get a love from Shone .

……………………….The End…………………………

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